

Established in 1989 as a 501(c)(3) organization, The Foundation of the New Haven County Bar (FNHCB) exists to maintain the honor and dignity of the profession of the law; to promote legal science and the administration of justice; to promote the efficiency and integrity of the judicial process; to establish and/or provide for organized entities or facilities for the furnishing of legal services to all citizens, and to apply its knowledge and experience in the field of law to the promotion of the public good.

It is the charitable arm of the New Haven County Bar Association and provides tax-deductible means for the organized bar to contribute to the New Haven County community.

Twice a year, FNHCB grants are awarded that impact the delivery of legal services to the public, as well as to other charitable endeavors, such as the Coordinating Council for Children in Crisis, Children in Placement, Community Mediation, and the Yale Sappern Memorial Fund. To date, the Foundation has awarded in excess of $280,000.


For more information about charity work and upcoming events, please email NHCBAinfo@newhavenbar.org


Click the link below to donate to the FNHCB:

Donate NOW



New Haven County Bar Association | P.O. Box 1441 | New Haven, CT 06506

Main line: 203 562-9652 | Lawyer Referral Service: 203 562-5750 | email