Volunteer Opportunites

The New Haven County Bar Association sponsors projects to benefit local charities and provides opportunities for members to volunteer for community service, many of which are coordinated by the Public Service Committee

Current service projects benefit The Diaper Bank, the Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen, New Haven Reads, and LEAP, among other New Haven area charities. 

The NHCBA has also sponsored several public education seminars for New Haven area youth and their families that focus on a wide-range of legal, political, and education-related topics.

For more information on current opportunities, please contact NHCBAinfo@newhavenbar.org


Charities List:

Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen (DESK)
The Diaper Bank

Fair Haven Fitness Program
Ronald McDonald House

New Haven Reads


New Haven County Bar Association | P.O. Box 1441 | New Haven, CT 06506

Main line: 203 562-9652 | Lawyer Referral Service: 203 562-5750 | email