Service of Remembrance


November 7, 2024, 9:30 a.m.




1.         Opening remarks by the Honorable Barbara Jongbloed, New Haven JD.

2.         Remarks by Lou Annecchino, President, New Haven County Bar Association.

3.         Reading list of deceased members by Hon. Steven D. Jacobs, Service of Remembrance Chairperson.

4.         Judge Jacobs will introduce each person who will speak about the deceased member of the bar.

  1. Closing remarks, first from Judge Jacobs, then from Judge Jongbloed, who will call for a moment of silence.
  2. Adjournment.

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Name                                                    Date Passed                               Speaker

Richard Beatty                                     12/20/23                                      Jonathan and/or Jeffrey Beatty

Robert W. Carangelo                            2/16/24                                       John Carangelo

Maureen Danehy Cox                           7/22/24                                      James Robertson

Jack Fassett                                         6/23/24                                        Jim Craven

David Faulkner                                   10/24/23                                      Jim Craven

Robert Flanagan                                  6/22/24                                       Charlie Flanagan

Steve Floman                                      1/7/23                                          Ed Cantor | Betsy Floman Fishbone

Hon. Charles Gill                                 7/13/24                                       Richard Jacobs

John Hogan                                        11/10/23                                      Steve Mednick

Samuel “Bob” Jelley                             1/3/24                                         Jim Craven

Howard Lawrence                               9/24                                             Jake Dressler

Ronald Palumbo                                  6/25/24                                       Scott DeLauro

Joseph Sensale                                    8/27/24                                        Michele Sensale

Hon. Barbara Sheedy                           1/22/23                                       Len Crone

Nate Silverstein                                   3/14/24                                        Rick Silverstein

Robyn A. Smith                                   11/28/22                                      Abra Rice

Joseph Wicklow III                              12/13/23                                      Frank Velardi          


Each family will receive a transcript of the tribute to their loved one.

We would like to thank our court reporter today, Julie Cashman, of Sanders, Gale & Russell, who has generously donated the production of these transcripts.


New Haven County Bar Association | P.O. Box 1441 | New Haven, CT 06506

Main line: 203 562-9652 | Lawyer Referral Service: 203 562-5750 | email